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Spreadsheet Deep Download


This new feature is experimental and may change in the future and currently only available for OData V4. If you deep download data, the OData Service need to support expand.

This feature downloads data from the backend and converts it to a Spreadsheet file.

The main difference between this feature and the integrated Spreadsheet Download is that it can download data from multiple sub-entities at once.

For example, if you have Orders and OrderItems, you can download both entities at once and the data will be structured in the Spreadsheet. It is also possible to recursively download data from multiple entities indefinitely.

  • Orders
    • OrderItems
      • Info
    • ShippingInfos

This means that you can download all Orders, including the OrderItems, ShippingInfos, and the Info of the OrderItems in one go.


Option Description Default Type
addKeysToExport Adds keys to the export file false boolean
setDraftStatus Sets the draft status in IsActiveEntity false boolean
filename Defines the filename for the export file Entity Name string
deepExport Turn on to export of sibling entities false boolean
deepLevel Defines the level of sibling entities to export 0 number
showOptions Shows options dialog for users false boolean
columns Defines the columns to export {} object or array

Sample Usage

The configuration is done in the deepDownloadConfig section of the component data:

componentData: {
    context: this,
    showDownloadButton: true,
    deepDownloadConfig: {
        deepLevel: 1,
        deepExport: false,
        addKeysToExport: false,
        showOptions: false,
        columns : {
                "order": 1
            "buyer": {
                "order": 3
            "Items": {
                "quantity" : {
                    "order": 2
                "title": {
                    "order": 4
            "Shipping": {
                "address" : {
                    "order": 5


default: {}

This option defines the columns to export.
By default, all columns are exported. It is possible to define the order of the columns by using the order property.
To know which columns are available, it is possible to turn on debug as an option. With this option, the mainEntity is logged and then you can use it as a reference.

It is also possible to define the columns as an array of strings but only if the deepLevel is 0.


default: false

This option adds keys (which can be hidden in the UI) to the export, such as GUIDs.


default: true

If the option addKeysToExport is set to true the keys, including the IsActiveEntity field, are added to the export.
By default, the field IsActiveEntity is set to false if the field HasDraftEntity is set to true.
This makes it easier to identify which rows have a draft entity for the reupload to update the entities.
This option is only used if all the IsActiveEntity fields should be set to true in the export.


default: Entity Name of Root Entity

This option defines the filename for the export XLSX file.


default: false

This option determines whether sibling entities should be exported as well.
If the deepExport is set to false, the deepLevel is set to 0.


default: 0

This option defines how deep sibling entities should be exported.
If the deepLevel is greater than 0, the columns option must a object.
If the deepLevel is 0, deepExport is set to false.
If the deepLevel is greater than 0, deepExport is set to true.


default: true

This option determines whether the options dialog should be shown to the user.



This method triggers the Spreadsheet Download without the need to open the spreadsheet upload dialog.
The input parameter for triggerDownloadSpreadsheet is the same as the configuration for the deepDownloadConfig.
You can overwrite the configuration from the component data by passing the configuration to the triggerDownloadSpreadsheet method.

download: async function () {
    this.spreadsheetUpload = await this.editFlow
            usage: "spreadsheetImporter",
            async: true,
            componentData: {
                context: this,
                activateDraft: true,
                deepDownloadConfig: {
                    deepLevel: 1,
                    deepExport: true,
                    addKeysToExport: true
        deepLevel: 2,
        deepExport: true,
        addKeysToExport: true


See more details at Events


This event is fired before the data is converted to a spreadsheet file. Use this event to manipulate the data before it is converted.
You can change directly the data parameter of the event as this is a reference to the data.


This event is fired just before the file is downloaded. Use this event to manipulate the filename or other parameters before the file is downloaded.

Download Button

Same as the Button control, the Download Button can be used to trigger the Spreadsheet Download directly in the XML View.
A sample usage can be found here.
For the configuration options, see componentContainerData Configuration.

A usage can look like this:

<mvc:View controllerName="ordersv4freestyle.controller.MainView"
    xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" displayBlock="true"
    <Page id="page" title="{i18n>title}">
                    componentContainerData:{uploadButtonPress:'uploadButtonPress',buttonText:'Excel Download',buttonId:'downloadButton',downloadButton:true},
                        deepLevel: 0,
                        deepExport: false,
                        addKeysToExport: true,
                        showOptions: false,
                        filename: 'Orders12',
                        columns : ["OrderNo"]
                <Button id="downloadButtonCode" text="Excel Download Code" press="onDownload"/>
                <Table id="ordersTable" items="{/Orders}">
                            <Text text="Order Number"/>
                            <Text text="Buyer"/>
                            <Text text="Created At"/>
                                <Text text="{OrderNo}"/>
                                <Text text="{buyer}"/>
                                <Text text="{createdAt}"/>