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Getting Started

Deployment Strategy

There are two ways to use the Spreadsheet Upload Control. Since a Reuse Component is essentially utilized, this results in two deployment strategies that can be used.

Depending on the deployment environment (ABAP or BTP), you have to consider a few special cases. This is described in the Deployment of your app page.
A full deployable BTP example can be found in the sample project.

Recommended: Because SAP did not initially consider Decentralized deployment, there may be problems with it (especially in the ABAP stack). I therefore recommend centralized deployment on the ABAP stack.

Decentralized deployment

The component is attached directly to each app and deployed with it. There are specific things to note here on the ABAP stack (see ABAP Component Deployment).

Central deployment

The Spreadsheet upload is stored directly as a library centrally, e.g. in the on-premise ABAP system or BTP. For more information, please see the Central Deployment page.


Here are the manual steps to integrate the ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter component. For a simplified integration, a yo generator is also available.


  • Node.js Version v16.18.0, v18.12.0 or higher
  • npm Version v8.0.0 or higher
  • UI5 CLI v3.0.0 or higher

Setup Decentralized deployment

1. Install from npm

npm install ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter

2. Add resourceRoots to your manifest.json under sap.ui5

⚠️ You must always keep your ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter version up to date here when updating the module. (Explanation here: Version Namespace )

"resourceRoots": {
  "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v0_33_4": "./thirdparty/customControl/spreadsheetImporter/v0_33_4"

3. Add --all to your build script in the package.json

"scripts": {
  "build": "ui5 build --config=ui5.yaml --all --clean-dest --dest dist",

4. Add componentUsages to your manifest.json under sap.ui5

⚠️ You must always keep your ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter version up to date here when updating the module. (Explanation here: Version Namespace )

"componentUsages": {
  "spreadsheetImporter": {
    "name": "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v0_33_4"

5. Optional Avoid error component does not exist

If you deploy your app to a SAP System (S/4 On-Premise or SAP BTP ABAP environment), you may get the error component does not exist.

To avoid this error, you can add the following to your manifest.json file:

"": {
  "embeds": ["thirdparty/customControl/spreadsheetImporter/v0_33_1"]

Setup Central deployment

1. Execute the deployment with the version you would like to use, see Central Deployment for more information.

2. Add componentUsages to your manifest.json under sap.ui5

⚠️ You must always keep your ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter version up to date here when updating the module. (Explanation here: Version Namespace )

"componentUsages": {
  "spreadsheetImporter": {
    "name": "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v0_33_4"

Starting with the Fiori Elements Application

There are different implementations for Fiori Elements depending on the OData Version

To start the Spreadsheet Upload Dialog, you need a Button in your Fiori Elements App. The best way is to start with the Guided Development Extension to add a custom action:

Guided Development

If you have done that, you can continue with the implementation of your Custom Code either with V2 or V4. You can also use a controller extension in Fiori Elements. An example can be found with the Fiori Elements V4 Example App.

Starting with Fiori Elements (OData V4)

Extension in manifest.json

As an example, here is how your custom action can look like. This example is from the sample app for the object page and will add the button to the object page's order items table. It is important to always specify the relevant option tableId if there are multiple tables on the object page. Using "enabled": "{ui>/isEditable}" will automatically disable the button if the object page is not in edit mode.

"OrdersObjectPage": {
  "type": "Component",
  "id": "OrdersObjectPage",
  "name": "sap.fe.templates.ObjectPage",
  "options": {
    "settings": {
      "editableHeaderContent": false,
      "entitySet": "Orders",
      "navigation": {
        "Items": {
          "detail": {
            "route": "Orders_ItemsObjectPage"
      "controlConfiguration": {
        "Items/": {
          "actions": {
            "ObjectPageExtController": {
              "press": "ui.v4.ordersv4fe.ext.ObjectPageExtController.openSpreadsheetUploadDialogTable",
              "visible": true,
              "requiresSelection": false,
              "enabled": "{ui>/isEditable}",
              "text": "Spreadsheet Upload"

Custom Code

This will set the busy indicator and create the component if it is not already created. Then the Dialog will be opened. The attribute context is mandatory and must be set so the component can access the context of the app, including binding paths and the model. You can also pass the options (like context) to the method openSpreadsheetUploadDialog if you would like to pass the options at runtime. A use case would be if you have multiple tables on the object page and you would like to open the dialog for a specific table (see TableSelector).

openSpreadsheetUploadDialog: async function (event) {
  this.spreadsheetUpload = await this.getView()
      usage: "spreadsheetImporter",
      async: true,
      componentData: {
        context: this,

How could this look like

See also this at the live demo

Object Page with Buttons

Starting with Fiori Elements (OData V2)

Extension in manifest.json

As an example, here is how your custom action can look like. This example is from the sample app for the object page.

"extends": {
  "extensions": {
    "sap.ui.controllerExtensions": {
      "sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ObjectPage.view.Details": {
        "controllerName": "ui.v2.ordersv2.ext.controller.ObjectPageExt",
        "": {
          "Orders": {
            "EntitySet": "Orders",
            "Sections": {
              "": {
                "id": "",
                "Actions": {
                  "spreadsheetImporter": {
                    "id": "spreadsheetUploadButton",
                    "text": "Spreadsheet Upload",
                    "applicablePath": "ui>/editable",
                    "press": "openSpreadsheetUploadDialog",
                    "requiresSelection": false

Custom Code

openSpreadsheetUploadDialog: async function (event) {
  this.spreadsheetUpload = await this.getView()
      usage: "spreadsheetImporter",
      async: true,
      componentData: {
        context: this,

Deployment of your app

ABAP System Deployment

Component Deployment

The following points are not explicitly relevant for the Spreadsheet Importer, but for the Reuse Component in general (see UI5 Reuse Components).

When you deploy the component to your ABAP system with decentralized deployment, the namespace of the component is registered in the app index. The same happens when you deploy the component centrally.
This means after you deploy the component decentrally the first time (or centrally), you can use the component in your app always the centrally way (Central Deployment). As the app index is used to find the component, you can only use this approach in the Fiori Launchpad.

That means, you can deploy the component decentrally only once. After that, the namespace of the component is registered in the app index and the namespace can only exist once in the app index.
That is the reason why it is recommended to use the central deployment from the start.

Using the component outside the app index

If you using the component outside the Fiori Launchpad and can not use the app index or for whatever reason the component is not found even though it is deployed, you can direct the app to the correct path with url and name in the createComponent method:

openSpreadsheetUploadDialog: async function (oEvent) {
  this.spreadsheetUpload = await this.getView()
      usage: "spreadsheetImporter",
      async: true,
      componentData: {
        context: this,
      url: "/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/Z_XUP_v0_33_2",
      name: "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v0_33_4"

This is alternative to using resourceRoots in the manifest.json when you don't have access to the manifest.json (like in adaption projects).

Error: library/component used in application does not exist

When deploying the app to your ABAP system, you may get an error like this: SAPUI5 library/component cc.spreadsheetimporter.v0_33_4 used in application Z*** does not exist. The application is deployed, but the service returns an error.

To avoid this error, you can add the following to your manifest.json file:

"": {
  "embeds": ["thirdparty/customControl/spreadsheetImporter/v0_33_1"]

After that the component should be found in the app index. This means ressourceRoots is not necessary.

File unknown when deploying the app

It is possible that the ABAP system does not know how to handle ts files. If you use the deploy-to-abap command, you can add the exclude option to your ui5.yaml file to exclude the files from the deployment:

  - name: deploy-to-abap
    afterTask: replaceVersion
        client: 200
        auth: basic
        username: env:XYZ_USER
        password: env:XYZ_PASSWORD
        name: /TEST/SAMPLE_APP
        package: /TEST/UPLOAD
        transport: XYZQ300582
      - .*\.ts
      - .*\

BTP Environment Deployment

Config your ui5-task-zipper in your deployment yaml file

A full example can be found in the sample project.

If you use the ui5-task-zipper task, the ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter should be included in the zip file.

    - name: ui5-task-zipper
      afterTask: generateComponentPreload
        archiveName: uimodule
        - ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter