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Central Deployment

the best way is to deploy the UI5 Spreadsheet Importer centrally on the system. Once deployed, it is much easier for the individual developer to use.

Deployment to ABAP System

The best way is to use a carrier UI5 app.
This app contains all required versions of the Spreadsheet Importer component and with just one deployment all versions are available in the system.
The components are available in the app index through the deployment.

UI5 Carrier App

You can find the a sample carrier app here.

Just follow the file in the repository.

After the deployment, you can use the component in your Fiori app.

S/4HANA Public Cloud

For the deployment to S/4HANA Public Cloud, you need to make the Component available in the SAP Fiori Launchpad and to the user.
The crossNavigation is already defined in the carrier app.
So when you deploy the carrier app, a FLP App Descriptor is created. Now you can create or add this to an IAM app, add to a catalog and assign it to a role (like explained here). The user needs the role to use the component, otherwise the user gets an error message like "Blocked by UCON".

Manual deployment

1. Clone Repo

git clone

2. Install Dependencies

pnpm install


npm install

3. Change ui5-deploy.yaml

For the deployment, you have to change the default ui5-deploy.yaml to your settings.
When deploying a new version, it is important to use a different app name. This is always done automatically with a new version.
For this purpose, the variable XXXnamespaceShortXXX in the file ui5-deploy-publish.yaml must not be changed.
If you want to use your own app name, it is important to change the name for newer versions, otherwise other versions will be overwritten.

4. Set Up Environment Variables (Deployment from VS Code)

Remove TEMPLATE from the .envTEMPLATE file and enter your username and password for the ABAP System.
If you deploy from BAS, remove the credentials section in the yaml file.

5. Run Deployment

cd packages/ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter
npm run deploy

Deployment to HTML5 Repository on BTP

1. Clone Repo

git clone

2. Install Dependencies

pnpm install

3. Optional Change mta.yaml

The mta.yaml file is used for deployment to the HTML5 Repository on BTP. If you want to change some settings, you can do it here.

4. Build MTA

pnpm build:mta

5. Deploy to Cloud Foundry

pnpm deploy:cf

Consuming in UI5 App

Perform the same steps as you did in Getting Started.
It is not necessary to install the control using npm and the entry resourceRoots in the manifest.json.

For the consuming app in BTP, I have created a sample app with the deployment to the HTML5 Repository on BTP.

You can find more information in the blog posts from Wouter Lemaire:
Connecting UI5 Components in BTP CloudFoundry in the same space and Connecting UI5 Components in BTP CloudFoundry across spaces

Running the app locally

When the component is deployed centrally, you can run the app locally by installing the component as dev dependency and proxying the requests to the local installed component. You can also consume the central deployed component from the ABAP system.

Consuming the component as dev dependency locally

You can install the component as dev dependency in your app to simulate the central deployed component either to ABAP Stack or BTP.

0. Install cds-plugin-ui5 if you use CAP Project

npm install cds-plugin-ui5 --save-dev

1. Install the component as dev dependency (install the component version that is used in your app)

npm install ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter --save-dev

2. Install ui5-middleware-servestatic

npm install ui5-middleware-servestatic --save-dev

3. Add the following configuration to the ui5.yaml file (adjust the version number)

    - name: ui5-middleware-servestatic
      afterMiddleware: compression
      mountPath: /resources/cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_1_1/
        rootPath: "node_modules/ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter/dist"

Consuming the central deployed component from the ABAP system

After you have deployed the component centrally, you can consume it in your app when you develop it in VS Code or BAS.

To find out which URL to enter, the App Index can be called up at the following URL:

<SAP SYSTEM URL>/sap/bc/ui2/app_index/ui5_app_info?id=cc.spreadsheetimporter.v1_1_1

Here are the examples for fiori-tools-proxy and ui5-middleware-simpleproxy.


- name: fiori-tools-proxy
  afterMiddleware: compression
      - path: /sap
        url: <Cloud Connector or local URL>
        destination: <System Destination name if in BAS>
      - path: /resources/cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_1_1
        destination: <System Destination name if in BAS>
        pathPrefix: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/<BSP NAME>/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_1_1/
        url: <Cloud Connector or local URL>


   - name: ui5-middleware-simpleproxy
      afterMiddleware: compression
      mountPath: /resources/cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_1_1/
        baseUri: "<SAP SYSTEM URL>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/<BSP NAME>/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_1_1/"
        username: <SAP USERNAME>
        password: <SAP PASSWORD
          sap-client: '100'